Of course, this is not how one is supposed to write "adore". But my father could never resist a good pun. Or any pun for that matter...
An other thing he could never resist was showing off his awesome art... So you could imagine my surprise when upon his retirement around the age of 54 -- he wasn't even considering showing his doors let alone selling them !!
(he's now made about 40 over the span of 35 years)
To all those who might have had the chance of passing by one of his 3 houses in Montreal, St-Germain-en-Laye, or Truro (Quebec, Yvelines and Massachusetts* respectively) then by all means invite your friends to come take a look !
The rest of you can just sit tight.
Now... where was I? ...Right.
While all the walls are scattered with his own artistic black and white photography of nude women (who may or may not have been ex's too... "O-M-G no WAY!"), creatively designed family photos and random antique artifacts & ephemera, the real sticking points for visitors were always the doors.
Can you picture a wrinkly wombat wearing a miniature football jersey, way-farer ray-bans, and a straw stetson hat on stilts?
Well .. neither can I but I thought we could try.
Then picture a collage of African Dada-like Native-American FOLK Art framed in a big wooden door... Assembled in the mind of a deeply disturbed French-Moroccan Canadian immigrant.
...Yes, well I liked the wombat too.
Well, it's about time! Hope you will post pictures of more of your father's fabulous artwork. Any chance you can convince him to sell some pieces?
Sweet sinse. I like it. I'm waiting for some more picture as well.
Hi Catherine !
Well for $10 000 it won't take much convincing. We've got 5 ready to go if you want to come take a look !
And he'd much rather sell directly to a friend then to a stranger through a gallery.
I'll be updating this page often so do stop by. As soon as I have an option for email notification, I will let you know as well.
Hope you're doing well,
Edou --- mec ça gaze?
Your wish is my command. And there's more to come... but it has to be relevant, otherwise it's NO FUN!
Sinon si t'y tiens vraiment, visites
À + !
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