Friday, March 27, 2009

Marketing Manifesto for the Post-Bubble Burst

(or The Tao of Ethical Business Communications)

OneSum Agency

For TOO LONG we have been...

Putting profits ahead of progress.

Putting progress ahead of well-being.

Pushing to consumption with reckless disregard for our environment.

What we need to push are politics and economics for sustainability...

Are you curious about whether we can turn around our nasty habits in the Post-Bubble burst of the twenty first century? So are we.

With this in mind, please read our thoughts on the subject and be kind enough to leave your comments on the blog, or by clicking the "CHALLENGE." link at the bottom!

Marketing Manifesto for the Post-Bubble Burst

Your company has a soul that permeates your brand USP* (even if that USP is … not having a USP).

You can increase your sales and cut costs by communicating that USP without being intrusive, overt or direct.


The west is a wasteland of commercial clutter. People will shy away from brands who contribute to that pollution.

Customers will develop an affinity for those brands that they find endearing, engaging or entertaining. Interactivity sells.

Customers will not dislike those brands that they perceive to provide value.

Customers will develop a dislike for brands they perceive to provide no value, or that seek too much attention. Neediness does not sell.

Thus, bombarding your audience with low value ads may work for those seeking what you have to offer but will hurt your image for those who are not.

Your attitude and culture is communicated subtly at every single touch point.

Your customers will tell a friend if they like your attitude, but will tell 5 if they don’t.


One Sum is an interactive agency that creates and executes marketing solutions.

One Sum is not a digital agency. One Sum is where your prospects are. They just happen to be online.

You need to communicate. We make it fun and meaningful.

How do you create engagement?



*Unique Selling Proposition. Why should I buy from you? If your product category isn't a definite USP based on rationality (dell: cheap, apple: innovative, Volvo: safe) all the more reason to appeal to emotion. Note though, that one does not exclude the other: e.g. Apple, innovative AND Cool. Pepsi: Better tasting AND Young.
**(Temporary Website UP BY END OF DAY)