A first dragon's eye view:
Noteable objects: Cow's hip bone. Tobacco pipe stems as sun rays, clarinet and bone, bean husks from exotic location. Rare natural materials...
Pipe and husk at closer inspection:
Here we have pastry cream icing tips so disposed, and wood. Lots of different kinds of wood...
Cow hip as 19th century modernist native american folk art mask. Shall i repeat that?
Its set on a background of cape cod (long nook beach) drift wood.
Not much to say here. What you see is what you get
Porcupine pricks, cow bone, animal horns, turtle head. Your average everyday 'assemblage', you know?
Seashell, bean husks, clarinet body, spice crusher.
MAo on the left, between copper thimble on drift wood, flattened moulds on wood, piece of piano below two oval eye type pieces of metal top left. Right, seagull head, under chicken wishbone atop copper or brass music instrument wrapped in snake skin, accessorized by piano string hammers, tail feathers composed of what looks like flat metal tear drops.
Why is my font all of a sudden blue 'ariel'?
In what appears to be an allusion to Dali, this box on stilts is carrying dismembers pieces of doll limbs (YES!).
I guess Franklin Amzallag ran out of early 20th century coffee stained musical score paper or handwritten letters from about the same time, so as a background for this section, he used pocket watch faces from 'broquantes' in france. He usually negotiates to poor flea-market stand holders down to tears to get hundreds of such pockets watches on the euro.
I can arrange a showing of the atelier where the last 16 doors are exposed.
If you know anyone in the art world, I would love to be put in touch.
We're currently looking for a gallery to show the doors in montreal.
Below; Doll face on the left, in mother of pearl sea shell, with a crank to walk about on these quills. Looking like the shell of the huge panther in Avatar, the body seems to be composed of up spoon shaped articulated armor
Above on the right, leather pouch holds stamp handles. Wooden end of a wooden domino box holds more doll limbs (YEAH!). All on a background of paper and piano anatomy.
On the left, cow ribs, under cat head, above flute, feathers, string and all. The orange fabric is still from the same cushion from the artist's childhood Casablanca.
Atop the beautiful picture of whom I assume is Marienbad, metal molds of what french pastry makers use to make "madeleines", with ivory dominos inside a couple of them.
Marienbad has gorgeous brass door ornaments arranged like a carnival / maskerade mask.
Are those table top decorations scattered accross the photo? (Billes chinoises?)
Above left, fish spine on a bunch of little seashells from the Cape. Tail of the spine a stone pipe I brought back from India. By now you should be able to identify the rest of this Burton-esque piece.
A better view of the piece as described above.
We can now see that was what omitted above are toupees.
Yes, children's toys.
Small doll faces, papers like 'papier-maché', then painted black, disposed very originally on a hand written note from France.
Obviously these aren't african masks (the facial characteristics are, er, caucasian in shape). Sometimes we have to make do with what's available.
We're running out of space to stack these doors in the atelier. So if you know anyone in art, or who owns or works in a gallery, I would be very grateful to be put in touch!!
Till next time...
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